Let’s Spark a Spiritual Awakening

I think we’re there–I believe we have arrived at the point where the angel who brought the prophet Daniel a message from the Lord told him to “shut up the words and seal the book, until the time of the end. Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase (Daniel 12:4 ESV).”

Knowledge has increased; you can find just about anything with a Google search. In fact, I just used Google to rediscover the reference for the verse above. What does that mean for us? For many, it means we will be more likely to check Google for the answers to our problems than we are to check the Word of God–the Bible. As I just witnessed, Google has the ability to take us back to the Bible to search for answers, but until we acknowledge that the answers to our problems lie in the spiritual realm, we will continue to point fingers at everyone but ourselves as the source of our problems.

The psychologists will continue to analyze people who are morally and/or emotionally broken to find someone or something else to blame for the person’s shortcomings, and relieve the individual from personal culpability. They have even gone so far as to redefine morality to help reduce the guilt by which an offended conscience has afflicted the broken person.

The ecologists point the finger of accusation at anyone who they can accuse of polluting the earth, which they say has led to the catastrophic meteorological phenomena we have been observing. They would far prefer the vast majority to suffer economically and health wise, as long as the use of fossil fuels is driven from the face of the earth . . . or at least from the face of the capitalistic western nations.

The sociologists are looking to identify as victims anyone they can who may look different from the majority, or whose economic status may be different, in order to create a spirit of divisiveness among brothers and sisters. Their solutions to the victims is to provide appeasement for them by taking from one group of people and giving it to another–deserved or undeserved.

I’m sure there are other “-ologists” who could be cited, but this is a representative group who think that they can generate humanistic solutions to spiritual problems. Don’t get me wrong, each group has contributed in some small way to our understanding of mankind, but they all fall short of providing successful solutions because they ignore the spiritual side of man. In this blog, I hope to examine the issues through a spiritual/biblical lens, and spark a useful discussion, that may even spark a spiritual reawakening in our nation. “Laus Deo.”

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